This is a List of Topics that I have written about concerning TRESA. It starts from the most recent to the earliest:
TRESA: Phase 2 Implementation “when does it come into force”?
TRESA: Customer Service Coming to an End
Designated Agency and the “Mentor” under TRESA
Who is Your Agent under TRESA?
Can You Have an Open Offer Process Now?
TRESA: How Do You Pronouce it?
Pre-emptive Offers and Notification
Sharing Offer Content under TRESA
When Does a Person become a Self-Represented Party?
TRESA: Are You Ready for Open Bidding?
Consumer Relationships Guide in Alberta
Designated Agency is On its way
TRESA: Sharing the Content of Competing Offers
TRESA: Customer relationships/Agreements not permitted
TRESA: Facts a seller has a legal obligation to disclose
Self-Representation under TRESA
SOLUTION to Conflict between the Code and Fiduciary Duties
IMPACT of Conflict between the Code and Fiduciary Duties
Conflict between the Code and Fiduciary Duties at Common Law
Third Party Disclosure of Material Facts
Client Disclosure of Material Facts
Disclosures under the Act and Regulations
Code: Where Did All the Provisions Go?
Auditor General’s Report: Multiple Representation
What About Designated Agency for Ontario?
Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker