Question: The Agreement of Purchase and Sale contains the following clause: “The Seller and the Listing Agent agree to co-operate in providing access to the property up until the closing …
48 Lanes for 401
48 Lanes for 401 Certainly, that would be about the right number today, if we wanted an efficient system. Obviously, we don’t; we are still at 16 lanes across the …
Understanding the Delivery of Notices under the Agreement of Purchase and Sale
Sometimes, agents can run into difficulty giving or receiving proper Notice pursuant to one or more of the provisions contained in the standard Form Agreement of Purchase and Sale. This …
Your Real Estate Photographs Might be Owned by a Monkey!
This would indeed be awfully strange, but we will have to look at the law related to copyright and ownership. The “creator” is entitled to the copyright, which basically as …
Title Search Date: When Should it Be?
Question: What date should be inserted into the Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the Title Search date? Answer: Buyer’s Interest From the perspective of the Buyer’s lawyer, you can …
Title Insurance: Is it Necessary?
Ontario Real Estate Source By Brian Madigan LL.B. That’s a good question. Prior to 1997, there was no commonly available title insurance in Ontario and yet it was the norm in the United …
“Agreement of Purchase and Sale” (Title)
The agreement between the parties concerning “title” to the property is in essence the “bargain” between the seller and the buyer. This is a matter of substance and not just …
Validity of Unsigned Buyer Representation Agreements
From time to time, Buyers’ Agents want to know what they can do if the Buyer Representation Agreement is not signed. Actually, that’s a very difficult question. However, there are …
Three Distinct Concepts for Time Deadlines
It is somewhat interesting that the standard Form OREA Agreement of Purchase and Sale makes several references to “time”. There is a clause that states: 20. TIME LIMITS: Time shall …
The Extra Value of Some Corner Lots
What do you think about corner lots, are they good or bad? The answer may depend upon the municipality and when the lot was created. 100 Years Ago Originally, land …