Question: I am suspending a listing. My Seller clients are asking for a release form? Which form would that be? Is that even needed since the suspension/cancel form is in …
Designated Representatives and the Agency Appointments
With the new TRESA legislation coming into force on 1 December 2023, a number of changes were made to the practice of real estate. For agency appointments, there are now …
Designated Representation Agreement Change in Schedule “A”
You will need to make this change until OREA amends the Forms. “The paragraph following paragraph #15 shall be deleted and the following shall be substituted therefore: “The Listing Brokerage …
Mere Postings: Represented or Not?
Question: Is a mere posting seller considered a Self Represented Party? Answer: Here is the source in the legislation: “Agreements: Trade in Real Estate Representation required 13.3.1 A brokerage shall not …
Are Escalation Clauses now Popular?
Question: What about the utilization of escalation clauses in a thriving market? Interested in perspectives from both buyer’s and listing agents when navigating these conditions during the offer process. Considering …
Seven Offers Submitted
Question: We had an agent show one of our listings, he said he has shown his client 20 properties and is going to put conditional Offers in on 7 of …
Basement Leak: Cracked Foundation
Question: Agent in my office came to me with this dilemma. Has a potential listing, delayed due to a cracked foundation/basement leak. Repairs are done and seller doesn’t want to …
Ethical Dilemma: Potential Conflict (Disclosure)
Question: Interesting dilemma. I had a seller that signed listing paperwork. We did a pre-list inspection that showed 100% moisture in his basement. He didn’t want me to disclose. I …
Who is Your Client?
You mean you don’t even know who your own client is? Many real estate agents simply don’t know. They don’t care, and they don’t bother to inquire. All of that …
Multiple Representation: When Do You Sign?
Previously, in the Confirmation of Cooperation and Representation (CCR) it was last minute after everything had already gone wrong. Now, we have two new documents, the full explanation and informed …