Question: If someone has 3 children and he wants to give equal share to all three of them and he doesn’t believe in drafting his Will . Can you please …
Estate Planning: 30 Year Marriage
Question: The husband and wife have been married for more than 30 years and have 4 adult children. They co-own their primary residence and two condo investments. Can one of …
Inheriting the Parent’s House
Question: If you inherit a house from parents in Canada through a Will, how is it taxed as a primary residence? What are the pros & cons of putting it …
Alzheimer’s disease: Wills and POA’s
Question: I have a client who wants to sell her home. Her husband has a recent Alzheimer’s diagnosis. His new doctor won’t write a letter for the lawyer to give …
Execution of a Power of Attorney
Execution of a Power of Attorney (1 or 2, or Both) Question: If there are 2 persons on power of attorney and the document states that it is “jointly and …
New Capital Gains Tax Inclusion
Let’s consider the implications of the new capital gains tax inclusion. Scenario: Muskoka Cottage An elderly woman owns a cottage in Muskoka. She inherited it from her parents. Her principal …
Family Estate Planning: Brother and Sister at Odds
Question: Daughter has a Power of Attorney (POA) over her mother. She just found out her brother has put himself on title with the mother on her house a few …
Power of Attorney For Personal Care
This is the Form for the Power of Attorney for Personal Care published by the Province: Power of Attorney for Personal Care (Made in accordance with the Substitute Decisions Act, …
Power of Attorney For Assets
This is the Form for the Power of Attorney for Assets published by the Province: Power of Attorney for Assets Continuing Power of Attorney for Property (Made in accordance with …
Power of Attorney for Assets: Risks
A general power of attorney (POA) for assets in Ontario grants someone (referred to as the “attorney” or “agent”) the authority to make decisions and manage your financial and property …