There are many interesting opportunities when it comes to leasing whether it be residential or commercial.
From a residential perspective, there’s a standard Form Lease published by the Ontario Government under the Residential Tenancies Act. It takes precedence over any other arrangement and it cannot be overruled.
Renting if you are not familiar with an area will provide you with the time to strategically plan your purchase, save the funds required and determine your preferences. It’s very costly to purchase, only to determine that you have the wrong property.
If we are dealing with a commercial tenancy, this is your business, whether you be the Landlord or the Tenant. You want to make sure that you are maximizing your return and having your tenant pay your mortgage if you are a Landlord.
Assuming that you are seeking a commercial tenancy, then, this is your business. We need to make sure that you cannot be moved or evicted if that would impact your business. Security of tenure is frequently the most important issue, even more than price. Rental interruptions can bring an end to your business.
Let me ensure that you are properly protected.