Question: Is there a successful clause/holdback arrangement regarding the Seller providing a warranty that the air conditioning unit will be in good working order in the summer? This is for …
Furnace Payout Clause
Question: Is there an airtight furnace/AC/HWT rental buyout clause? Answer: Best clause is no clause at all. Have a look at the standard form Agreement of Purchase and Sale. What …
Testing and Trying out the Washing Machine
Question: On a final walkthrough, can you run the appliances and test the mechanicals to see if they are in good working order? Answer: You are not allowed to touch …
Rental Assumption Issues
Question: The water softener, water purifier and hot water tank are all rentals at $123/month. Offer: The Agreement of Purchase and Sale has these items listed as rentals. They are …
EV Chargers: Chattels or Fixtures?
What about EV Chargers, are the fixtures or chattels? They can be expensive running from $1,500 to $5,000.00. So, it’s best to know how to handle this issue when it …
Picture Hooks and Repairing the Damage
Question: Property is purchased while staged, once de-staged during buyer visit, buyers realize that all artwork on the walls was hung with screws and plugs plus additional nail holes. Also, …
Air Conditioners For Everyone!
Avoid Discipline Charges Free air-conditioners all at the realtor’s expense. And, you might wonder why? It’s very simple. The agent said central air was included. Only one little problem, the …
Pool Defective: Leaks after Closing
Question: A Buyer rejects a home inspection when the Seller’s agent confirms in an email to the Buyer’s agent that the pre-existing pool was replaced in 2018 and there are …
Tree Removal in Mississauga
The City of Mississauga has updated its by-laws concerning trees on private property and their removal. From the City website: “Tree Protection By-laws review The City of Mississauga updated the …
Unassumed Rental Contract
Question: If a purchaser agrees to assume the hot water tank in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, however no contract was provided or shared from the Seller, what is …