This is typical with smaller lakes. There is really no particular need to travel around the perimeter, so the 66 foot road allowance was never opened. This is absolutely ideal for cottagers, because this means privacy. No one is going to come along and set up tent between your property and the water.
Most of the larger lakes in Muskoka, including lakes Joseph, Rosseau and Muskoka have unopened road allowances. Many municipalities will permit the adjacent cottage owner to purchase the 66 foot unopened road allowance between the front of their lot and the lake.
However, sales have not been brisk. As soon as one neighbour essentially buys their 66 foot strip, then this prevents the municipality from ever constructing a real road. Nevertheless, there are some issues that should be noted:
· The dock
· The deck
· The boathouse
· The bunkie
· The shed
· The septic system
· The main cottage
Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker
Comments 3
Now my interested is piqued …
You peaked
Big problems if you can’t “buy” this and you wish to place a large mortgage on the property.