Number of Real Estate Agents
There are a lot of people in the real estate business. In fact, 109,627 * (according to RECO 2022 Annual Report) registrants in total as of 31 December 2022. That’s up about 5% overall.
Out of that number, 6,246 are Brokerages or Branch offices of Brokerages, which still leaves 103,381 who are real people.
Now, over the 2022 year, 4,907 left the business for one reason or another.
There are a small group of registrants who manage properties, so they are not out there aggressively selling and they don’t join “organized real estate”, a Board or the MLS system.
There is slightly more than 15 million people in Ontario, so the ratio is very, very high. There’s more real estate agents per capita in Ontario than any other location in North America,
So, enjoy the competition!
Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker