It’s unfortunate, that the media hasn’t written about this yet. Over the longer term, real estate has proven to be an excellent investment. They will in time.
Here are the annual returns if you owned property from the following dates:
1 January until 30 June 2023
2013 12.19%
2018 11.06%
2020 11.74%
2021 10.72%
2022 0.14%
2023 24.86%
The 24.86% is at the halfway mark throughout the presnt year. Prices are not expected to be higher at the end of December, so, this “performance” would drop in half to 12.43%, if prices continue to hold firm until the end of the year.
The “bad performance” is really focused on the run up and subsequent decline in 2022. Essentially, unless you actually bought or sold right at the peak (February 2022) then largely you can just ignore the rise and fall in 2022.
You were making good money in real estate and you are again.
Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker