OREA Form 299: do you like it, do you use it, do you rely upon it or does it mess you up a bit? Form 299 is entitled “Seller Disclosure …
One Seller Wishes to Remain as SRP
Question: I am proposing to take on a Listing. I have been introduced to the property by the wife. It’s a matrimonial home and they are obtaining a divorce. While …
Inspections: Post TRESA
Question: Are cursory inspections allowed during a 30 min showing under TRESA? Answer: No inspections of any kind whatsoever (cursory or not) are permitted (before or after TRESA which only …
When is the Buyer’s Agent Blocked Out?
For Commission This is an interesting question, and it all depends upon the holdover clause. When REBBA was in effect, there was an obligation to canvass this matter with a …
Listing Agent as Seller and Buyer Agent
As agents listing our own properties: 1) is there any reason we aren’t allowed to work with an SRP? Answerr2) To protect myself from E&O, should I list with a …
Are Escalation Clauses now Popular?
Question: What about the utilization of escalation clauses in a thriving market? Interested in perspectives from both buyer’s and listing agents when navigating these conditions during the offer process. Considering …
Review of RECO’s Information Guide by Brian Madigan
By Brian Madigan The Information Guide produced by RECO for Consumers is reviewed by myself in this article. Most of the document is the “word for word”, Information Guide, except …
Listing Agent: Making Sure the Buyer Has Money
Question: With a cash offer coming in on one of my listings, I am asking for proof of funds but the Buyer’s agent is refusing. The Buyer does not wish …
Ethical Dilemma: Potential Conflict (Disclosure)
Question: Interesting dilemma. I had a seller that signed listing paperwork. We did a pre-list inspection that showed 100% moisture in his basement. He didn’t want me to disclose. I …
Information Guide Explained #7
Complaints This section is entitled “How to make a complaint”: Brokerage firms and real estate agents working in Ontario must be registered with RECO. Ontario brokerages and real estate agents …