Form 299: Latent Defects

OREA Form 299: do you like it, do you use it, do you rely upon it or does it mess you up a bit? Form 299 is entitled “Seller Disclosure …

One Seller Wishes to Remain as SRP

Question: I am proposing to take on a Listing. I have been introduced to the property by the wife. It’s a matrimonial home and they are obtaining a divorce. While …

Inspections: Post TRESA

Question: Are cursory inspections allowed during a 30 min showing under TRESA? Answer: No inspections of any kind whatsoever (cursory or not) are permitted (before or after TRESA which only …

Are Escalation Clauses now Popular?

Question: What about the utilization of escalation clauses in a thriving market? Interested in perspectives from both buyer’s and listing agents when navigating these conditions during the offer process. Considering …

Information Guide Explained #7

Complaints This section is entitled “How to make a complaint”: Brokerage firms and real estate agents working in Ontario must be registered with RECO. Ontario brokerages and real estate agents …