Conclusion to an Agreement

(Ontario) Question: If the buyer wants to terminate/void/avoid an agreement, what are the differences, if any, among these 3 words? Answer: If you are looking to bring a conclusion to …

How Deep Should a Pool Be?

This question arises from time to time. Some pools now run just shallow ends. Being 4.5 feet to 5 feet, some a little deeper at 6 feet and most still …

Former Son-in-law on Title: Options

(Ontario) Question: I have a property waiting to be listed. An older lady is the owner, however her estranged son-in-law is also on title (Although he never bore any carrying …

Caveat Emptor Exceptions

There are a couple of common law rues which get around caveat emptor: Fraud, Latent Defects (material), and Fundamental Difference. Generally, the first two are relatively clear and evident. It’s …

Mutual Driveways

(Ontario) Question: How can I be sure that there is a Mutual Driveway, or driveways access? Answer: Be sure to check the Survey. You have to be careful. It’s been …