How Deep Should a Pool Be?

The Deep End Of The Swimming Pool - cherl12345 (Tamara) Photo (42865243) -  Fanpop

This question arises from time to time. Some pools now run just shallow ends. Being 4.5 feet to 5 feet, some a little deeper at 6 feet and most still have a deep end which measures 8 feet.

Here are some of the risks and benefits:

  1. You can dive with a 8 ft pool,
  2. Some people will dive anyways, and won’t ask the depth, that’s risky,
  3. Everyone can swim or float, so the depth of 8ft or 6ft, doesn’t matter,
  4. The shallow end is good for non-swimmers,
  5. Purchasers who want pools , will pass on a 6ft pool.

The most popular pool divides into shallow and deep ends with a minimum of 8 feet for the deep end.

If someone is looking for a house with a pool, they will expect a “deep end”.

Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker

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