Title Insurance: Is it Necessary?

That’s a good question. Prior to 1997, there was no commonly available title insurance in Ontario and yet it was the norm in the United States. Solicitor’s Opinion Traditionally, purchasers …

Condominium Ownership Explained

A condominium is a parcel of real estate. It is one single unit of a condominium corporation. In effect, it is one method of common ownership with others of a …

Toronto Land Transfer Taxes

You are probably aware that Toronto has its own Land Transfer Tax. This is in addition to the regular Provincial Land Transfer tax which applies throughout the Province. This new …

Land Transfer Taxes in Ontario

In Ontario, there is a land transfer tax which is imposed when transfers of land take place. A key concept is the actual transfer of land. So, the registration of …

Do the Fish go with the House?

  Who cares? Really, this is a more complicated question than it might appear at first blush. Let’s assume you have ten 50 cent goldfish in a tank, does it …