Water Damage Clause

Question: [Warranty Clause question] Purchaser’s lawyer wants to change a warranty clause to the following: “The Seller represents and warrants that, to the best of the Seller’s knowledge, the premises …

Acceptance: The Exact Timing

Certainly, everyone wants to know that their Offer has been accepted, otherwise, there’s no contract. Signed, Sealed and DELIVERED It’s the delivered part which is the actual acceptance. So, when …

Relisting and Resale

(Ontario) Question: Can an agent relist a property on MLS without a signed mutual release for a previous deal? We were one day late with the deposit. Answer: If you …

Rate of Return on Real Estate

What is the rate of return on real estate? Basically: 5% per annum! And, that’s measured over long periods of time. Sometimes, it’s less and sometimes it’s more, but over …

Deposit Must Be Credited

This is an issue that arises from time to time. If you are already in the Court of Appeal, you might as well raise it, but on occasion a lower …