Commercial Bond Yields -23 June 2023

Commercial Bond Yields CMB5 Year – 4.02%*CANHOU 06/15/28[+0.03%]  ‌10 Year – 3.82%*CANHOU 06/15/33[-0.07]   * denotes interpolated rateGoC5 Year – 3.75%CAN 03/01/28[-]  ‌10 Year – 3.33%CAN 06/01/33[-0.07]  ‌15 Year – 3.36%*Est. 12/01/38[-0.05]  ‌20 …

Rural Property Checklist

If you are a real estate agent and you are submitting an Offer on a Rural Property, there are a number of basic due diligence steps that you will have …

Waiver of Stacked Conditions

If you chose to include several conditions stacked in one clause, that clause might appear as follows:  “This Offer is conditional upon: The next step is moving towards an “unconditional …

Seller Might Pass Before Closing

Question: If an elderly seller (sole owner) lists a vacant property utilizing  a Power of Attorney, sells firm with a quick closing date, but dies before closing. How can the …

Decluttering when Selling a Property

Decluttering when selling a property offers several advantages. Here are some of the key benefits: In summary, decluttering when selling a property helps create a visually appealing, functional, and well-maintained …

Anticipatory Breach

Anticipatory Breach: Explained In real estate, an anticipatory breach refers to a situation where one party to a contract communicates their intention to not fulfill their contractual obligations before the …