“Affidavit” Meaning

(Ontario) The latin term “affidavit” is a very common term used in law. Translated, it means “he who has declared upon oath”. The meaning is rather specific. It refers to a document …

Postponement Privilege

(Ontario) Question: I could not understand the Postponement Privilege .   Answer: Someone advances a second mortgage. It’s supposed to be in second position. This particular privilege permits the Owner to refinance …

Rejecting the Waiver: Is that Allowed?

Increasingly, Listing Agents are complaining about receiving Waivers rather than Notices of Fulfillment. They want the “NOF”. They resent receiving the Waiver. They say that the Buyer’s Agent should “go …

Mould and Buyer’s Remedies

The Superior Court of Justice in Ontario dealt with a Buyer’s claim for personal injuries arising from the presence of mould in a home. The litigation was of “long duration”. …