Solicitor’s Approval Clause

At a recent Course on Writing clauses, we talked about setting up the Solicitor’s Review and Approval Clause as a Condition Subsequent rather than a Condition Precedent. This was not …

Repaired Defects and Disclosure

(Ontario) Question: If it is something that has been fixed does it still need to be disclosed? Say a flooded basement? Answer: The Seller is under an obligation to disclose …

Rental Company’s Rights

When it comes to “fixtures”, a Rental Company’s rights are severely restricted. The Company brings along a hot water tank to the homeowner’s house. It is installed. The homeowner signs …

Multiple Rep: What not to Talk About

When dealing with multiple representation, What are the aspects you are not allowed to discuss with your buyer and seller clients ? Listing Agreement MULTIPLE REPRESENTATION: The Seller hereby acknowledges …