What should you sign first the BRA or the WWR?
The BRA is the Buyer Representation Agreement and the WWR is the “Working with a REALTOR” document
This document contains the following wording:
“The Buyer acknowledges that the Brokerage has provided the Buyer with written information explaining agency relationships, including information on Seller Representation, Sub-Agency, Buyer Representation, Multiple Representation and Customer Service.”
In the BRA you already said that you provided “written” information about agency, (including sub, dual, and non). So, the question is: “did you”?
The WWR comes close, but you will note that it still falls short of the requirements.
This document contains a short explanation of agency, representation, multiple representation and customer services.
It appears to comply with s. 10 of the Code of Ethics.
However, it misses out on “sub-agency” and that was noted in the BRA.
So, you should have a document explaining sub-agency as well.
Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker
Comments 1
Nice catch