Sometimes agents are looking for a standard procedure associated with the handling of Offers. Here’s is a letter of invitation soliciting Offers and anticipating one round.
Here’s an example:
My Seller and I thank you very much for showing (address) to your clients this past week.
If your clients are NOT interested in submitting an offer, then please disregard this message.
Below are the offer instructions for, (Date)
Please call office at xxx-xxx-xxxx to register and leave your cell and email address.
– Offer Registration by (time), if not presenting in person please attach offer and 801 and send via email to (my email address) Offer Presentation Time: (time).
– If presenting in person, please call me directly for your presentation time (my direct line)
– Offer Presentation Location: (Office name and address)
– Seller’s Preferred Closing Date: 90 days with the possibility of an earlier close, please include appropriate clause.
– Please note, seller is (any notes you might think are important to the offer) ie; seller selling “as is”
I will send out an email to all those who have registered an offer informing them of the number of offers by (time).
– I do not have any offers of my own and don’t expect to have one.
– Please be sure to attach Schedule B to your offer this can be found attached to the listing if you cannot access it please email me and I will send it to you.
Deposits over $10,000.00 are to be in the form of a Bank Draft or Certified Cheque and payable to (XYZ Brokerage).
If you are presenting in person, please submit your deposit “Herewith”.
1 – Offers will be presented in order in which they have been registered. If you would like to present in person, please be sure you have called me for a time to present.
2 – My client’s intention is to choose the best one and NOT send people back to improve their offers, therefore you are encouraged to submit your very best offer. The seller will decide which offer they prefer, but please let your client know there is a very good possibility that there will not be a second round.
3 – Should any offers be exceptionally close, we may give the opportunity to those offers to re-submit.
4 – Please bring at least 2 hard copies of your offer and keep your client nearby or available should we require any initials or signatures.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions; the best way to contact me is by email, text or call me directly.
Thank you for your offer and all the best to you and your clients.
(brokerage name)
(contact info)
Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker