Downsizing for Seniors: The “Project”

This can be a difficult and challenging project. There are several issues to take into consideration:

  1. Assembling the Team,
  2. Finding a suitable location,
  3. Finding a Property within the Right Price Range,
  4. Arranging for Suitable Support Services,
  5. Transportation,
  6. Communication,
  7. The Moving Process,
  8. Eliminating Unnecessary Items,
  9. Marketing the Property For Sale,
  10. Selling the Property.

Over the next short while we will look at each of these individual topics in detail. In some cases, there will be sub-categories as well.

Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker

Comments 2

  1. What about selling a 50% interest in your long-held principal residence?
    Become a joint-venture partner with a buyer who will pay for living there (by buying half from you) and by sharing operating and improvement costs 50-50 with you.
    It’s a partnership agreement and so it has a shot-gun provision and an exit plan.
    The overall idea is to get a buyer to phase themselves into The home YOU want to sell, at a price YOU want to obtain and in a timeframe that YOU want.

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