add a few dollars
I am still waiting for the Listing Brokerage to provide a deposit receipt?
I am concerned about e-transfers, direct deposits and wire transfers.
For some reason there seems to be a problem getting a timely receipt ofr acknowledgement. The Listing agent says they have nothing, and is threatening to move on to another Buyer.
You will have to prove the transfer of funds from u=your end. Can you do this?
Assuming you are with TD and they are with Royal, when did the funds move fro TD to Royal. That’s the precise time.
Many large Brokerages receive deposits that they cannot appropriately trace or allocated.
So, with so many people sending over a $50,000.00 transfer based upon a million dollar property, why not send $50,007.00. It’s just $7.00, but your transfers pops out from all the rest. It will be much easier to find.
Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker