Complaints About Real Estate Agents

There actually is a list. RECO has compiled a list of complaints made to it about real estate agents.

Here’s an excerpt from the 2022 Annual Report:


Registrants are required to provide ethical, competent and professional service to consumers. Of the complaints that were closed with some administrative action (such as a warning or an order for the registrant to take a course) or sent for prosecution, 58 per cent included an element of failing to act with fairness, honesty or integrity; 37 per cent included an element of unprofessional conduct; 19 per cent included an error or misrepresentation; and 18 per cent included an element of failing to provide conscientious or competent services. Note that a single complaint may include multiple categories.

Top complaint categories (2022)

(% complaints closed with action)

Competing offers                              5%

False advertising                                5%

Nature of relationship                        6%

Inaccurate representations                7%

Duty to client                                     8%

Advertising                                        14%

Conscientious & competent service  18%

Error and misrepresentation              19%

Unprofessional conduct                     37%

Fairness, honesty, integrity                 58% ”


Many of the complaints are quite serious. That, in my opinion, arises by reason of the fact that the individuals are untrained, and unsupervised. They either didn’t know that they were making a serious blunder, or they actually did it deliberately regardless of the consequences.

However, when the penalties are “light”, they will do it again.

The system requires improvement.

If the Brokerages were held responsible as well, things would change “overnight”.

Brokerages are supposed to supervise registrants under the Act, but, they don’t.

Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker

Comments 3

  1. Dear Mr. Madigan,

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge of real estate practices in Ontario, your insight and your research results. I was wondering, to compliment the percentages quoted in your article on “Complaints About Real Estate Agents”, if you would be able to provide a link to the source data on the number of complaints made/used to calculate those percentages?

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,

    1. Post
  2. Asif Gangat Sales Representative
    647-707-8007 | 416-391-3232
    [email protected]
    1396 Don Mills Road, B121, Toronto, ON, M3B 0A7

    This Man name Asif Gangat is a Fraud. He flips properties and takes down payment from people like big amounts and distributes amongst his friends who work with him. Their names are Saher Malik, Majid Memon and himself Asif Gangat. I filed a case against him through Reco and thanks to them they acknowledge that he had crossed his boundaries as an agent. He got suspended for 6 months but i still never got my 20k back.

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