RECO Discipline

Just take ALL Courses over again start to finish Real Estate Council of Ontario IN THE MATTER OF A DISCIPLINE HEARING HELD PURSUANT TO THE REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKERS …

Agent Fails to Pay Referral Fee

Steve acted for his two buyers, Albert and Jane. He had a loyalty agreement signed, better known as a Buyer Representation Agreement or BRA for short. The BRA ran from …

Agent Fails to Pay Referral Fee

Steve acted for his two buyers, Albert and Jane. He had a loyalty agreement signed, better known as a Buyer Representation Agreement or BRA for short. The BRA ran from …

RECO Fine: $500/minute

$500 Per Minute Fine for Breaking and Entering Relatively, that’s a very light fine for breaking and entering which is a Criminal Offence. In this case, it was a RECO …