Insurance Clause in Detail

INSURANCE: All buildings on the property and all other things being purchased shall be and remain until completion at the risk of Seller. Pending completion, Seller shall hold all insurance …

Leak Discovered after Closing

Question: One of the walls in the basement was covered by some kind of furniture and home inspector did not want to move anything (said something about getting hurt or …

Sump Pump Not There

Question: Two weeks after closing my Buyers discover a flood in their basement, with water entering through one of the basement windows. In the listing it’s written that there’s a …

Ice Damage to Tenant’s Car

Question: In the case of a residential tenancy, are there liabilities placed on the Landlord, in addition to those set out under the Residential Tenancies Act? An unexpected thaw and …

Remedies if Title is Defective

Question: If there is a matter of title which the Seller can’t remove, for example like previous owner gives a right of way, is Buyer obligated to buy? Answer: Any …

Title Insurance Issues (Ontario)

Question: I acted  for clients who purchased a property. I am assisting them with a title insurance claim. There were many open permits which they didn’t know about. Should the …

Damage Prior to Closing

Specific Performance Question: What happens if a property is damaged between the Agreement date and Closing? The damage is estimated to be over $100,000.00.   The Seller is not cooperating …