Air B&B and Cottage Rentals
You don’t want to rent out your basement or your cottage using AirB&B only to find that the person says that they are now Tenants of yours month to month under Ontario legislation.
Let’s have a look at the Residential Tenancies Act:
“Exemptions from Act
5 This Act does not apply with respect to,
living accommodation intended to be provided to the travelling or vacationing public or occupied for a seasonal or temporary period in a hotel, motel or motor hotel, resort, lodge, tourist camp, cottage or cabin establishment, inn, campground, trailer park, tourist home, bed and breakfast vacation establishment or vacation home;”
Let’s have a look at the short form
“living accommodation intended to be provided to the … vacationing public or occupied for a seasonal or temporary period in a … cottage or cabin establishment, … tourist home, bed and breakfast vacation establishment or vacation home;”
So, that’s it, that occupant has to go!
Brian Madigan LL.B., Broker