Question: If someone has 3 children and he wants to give equal share to all three of them and he doesn’t believe in drafting his Will . Can you please …
Estate Planning: 30 Year Marriage
Question: The husband and wife have been married for more than 30 years and have 4 adult children. They co-own their primary residence and two condo investments. Can one of …
Insurance: Inspection Report
Question: What happens if the Buyer’s insurance company wants a copy of the inspection report before they’ll confirm insurance coverage? Answer: It’s important to be aware that the relationship between …
Mere Postings: Represented or Not?
Question: Is a mere posting seller considered a Self Represented Party? Answer: Here is the source in the legislation: “Agreements: Trade in Real Estate Representation required 13.3.1 A brokerage shall not …
Form 299: Latent Defects
OREA Form 299: do you like it, do you use it, do you rely upon it or does it mess you up a bit? Form 299 is entitled “Seller Disclosure …
Not Taking over Tenancy
The Buyer included a clause as follows: “The Seller agrees that this agreement is null in case the property is not vacant at the closing date.” This is a rather …
When Does the Clock Start?
Question: Brokerage A has an accepted offer on their listing that includes a condition on the sale of a Buyer’s property with a 48 hour escape clause. Brokerage B gets …
Tenant Thwarts Closing
Question: I have a firm offer on tenanted property. The closing date as stated is slightly over two months from now. No other clause mentions vacant possession in Schedule A …
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